Why Selecting the Cheapest Dentist Is Not a Good Idea
Undoubtedly, even the basic of dental procedures can be quite pricey. Dental fillings can have a wide range of cost per tooth, while more time-consuming and invasive procedures like a molar root canal or implants can cost even more per tooth. Quality dental care is assured by most dentists, but there are dentists who, in their endeavors to […]
How to Find the Right Dentist for an Emergency?
So what happens in case of a dental emergency when your family dentist also happens to be unavailable? The need to look for the right emergency dentist becomes vital to prevent the condition from worsening, but how exactly do you find the right one? Look for the following features: IS THE CARE COVERED BY YOUR […]
How to Preserve Dental Hygiene: 5 Tips You Might Know About (And Probably Ignore)
Probably the most ignored aspect of our health care routine happens to be oral hygiene. We are so busy worrying about that extra pound gained, or minor headaches that we tend to overlook the value of our teeth as long as they last. Only when faced with a series of the oral problem that we […]
Can You Afford to Not Brush Your Teeth?
Before you skip brushing your teeth prior to bed or feel you cannot afford to invest in good oral products, ask yourself if you are willing and able to spend thousands of dollars once diagnosed with severe oral conditions. Keeping aside the financial cost, are you prepared to compromise on not only your dental health […]
How to Maintain a Healthy Smile This Summer
A set of happy teeth means a healthier smile. Summer means loads of sugary drinks and sodas, ice-creams and popsicles, and iced coffee. If you cannot avoid these foods altogether, it is still a good idea to compensate the damage by following these tips for a healthier smile this summer: FLOSS IS THE BOSS: If […]
All You Need to Know About Abscessed Teeth
There you are, sitting in the dentist’s chair with a toothache. All of a sudden you hear the doctor use the word abscess. Abscess? You aren’t 100% sure what that word means but for the fact that you are in pain you are sure that the meaning of that word can’t be good. Typically caused […]
Teeth Whitening Tips For Tea Drinkers
Tea lovers out there, do you not want to let go of your daily caffeine boost but at the same are concerned about what it does to your teeth? Are stained, discolored teeth making you look bad, affecting your personality and smile? Here are some whitening tips that should help you bring back those pearly […]
Things to Consider When Getting Dental Implants
Dental implants are a means to replace broken or missing tooth with artificial, titanium grade replicas fused into the jawbone through a surgical operation. Before getting involved in this expensive, long-term tooth replacement procedure, it is vital you take into account the following factors: DO I QUALIFY FOR DENTAL IMPLANTS Before getting started, you need […]
The Right Way to Bite
Biting and chewing is the first and important steps to processing food from start to end. It involves the assistance of teeth, jaw joint, and other muscles, etc. These parts must work in a harmonizing manner to ensure proper functioning. Most people overlook the importance of biting and chewing the right way, eventually leading to […]
Things Your Dentist Wants You To Know
Everybody has secrets, so do your dentist. What crosses their minds when operating on their patients and what they seriously wish their patients knew, but hardly tell? You’re not brushing your teeth enough: But I brush my teeth after every meal, isn’t that enough? The important part is the length of time. Brushing for a […]