Selecting the Right Toothpaste

You might not be aware that the toothpaste you use could have an impact on your dental hygiene. Unfortunately, there isn’t anyone size fits all solution when it comes to toothpaste. There are different ones for kids and adults and some of them don’t contain fluoride while the others do. Some are made for sensitive […]

An Apple a Day Keeps the Dentist Away

‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ is among the oldest clichés going around. People have been using it for centuries, but does it really apply? Well, apples are healthy and can help prevent a host of illnesses so the saying is probably true. But did you know that apples can also help you […]

Ice Cream as a Bribe: Convincing Your Kid to Visit the Dentist

family dental

It can be a nightmare to convince your kid to visit the dentist. While it is natural for them to be fearful of a place where they are likely to get an injection, this doesn’t mean visiting the dentist isn’t important. You have to take your kid to the dentist at least twice a year […]

How to Handle a Dental Emergency

Generally, dental injuries are unlikely to cause anything more than pain, but there is the risk of permanent damage to your teeth or jaw line. You will have to visit the dentist, but what do you do till you get there? Few people know how to handle the situation and they even end up making […]

Easing Tooth Sensitivity When the Weather Gets Cold

It is possible that you have had to deal with tooth sensitivity at some point in your life. Usually, the risk of your teeth being sensitive to hot or cold is during the winter season. Because the temperature outside is low, your teeth react to it accordingly. This can make it difficult for you to […]

5 Dental Care Tips for Toddlers All Parents Should Know

It’s pretty much a given that if you don’t take good care of your teeth, you will start facing dental problems and might even up losing a few teeth too. Well, the older you get, the more difficult it gets to reverse the damage, so it’s best that you get your kids to start taking […]

Tobacco Use and Your Oral Health

Smokers already have a lot to worry about. Tobacco reportedly kills about 6 million people each year. Tobacco use, especially cigarette smoking, has been linked to cancer, lung disease, and cardiovascular disease. Aside from these serious illnesses, tobacco is also responsible for its negative effects on oral health. Below are just a few of the side […]

Common Dental Concerns

Many people have fears or concerns about going to see a Dentist. Here are a few: Do I need teeth whitening? Teeth whitening uses a bleaching product or an abrasive to make teeth whiter. Teeth whitening is not a medical procedure, it is purely cosmetic. It can help you feel better about your appearance. Some stains […]

What is basic dental care?

Basic dental care will involve brushing and be flossing regularly, and be seeing your dentist for regular checkups.  Also, you will need to make sure you eat foods that are healthy as they can contribute to your dental health. Why is it important? Prevents gum disease. Prevents tooth decay. Shortens the time you have to […]

What is malocclusion?

Malocclusion means having crooked teeth, or poor bite. The “Bite” is the way your upper and lower teeth line up. Very few people have a perfect bite. It actually quite normal for your upper teeth to sit slightly over your bottom teeth. The majority of the time, malocclusion is only a cosmetic problem. It might […]