A toothache can be excruciating and unbearable, especially for children who usually have a low resistance to pain. So, by the time the dentist is able to look at your child’s aching tooth, here are a few inexpensive and easy home remedies that you can try to relieve the pain temporarily:

Salt Water Treatment

Toothache Home Remedies- Expert Family Dentist- Le Sueur Family Dental

Table salt is one of the most common household items and has amazing cleansing properties. Making your child gargle with salted water can help alleviate the pain as it rinses away any bacterial presence in the mouth.


Toothache Home Remedies- Expert Family Dentist- Le Sueur Family Dental

Garlic is similar to an antibiotic and helps prevent bacterial growth that may be attacking your child’s tooth. Simply mash a garlic clove and add a dash of salt to it, and apply the paste to the affected area. You can also pop a clove or two in your child’s mouth and ask him/her to chew. Repeat it two to three times every day.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Toothache Home Remedies- Expert Family Dentist- Le Sueur Family Dental

Just like salt water, hydrogen peroxide also helps clean out an aching area, loosens up debris and provides quick relief. This method is even better than the saltwater treatment as the hydrogen peroxide solution attacks the bacterial presence instead of just wiping it away.

IceToothache Home Remedies- Expert Family Dentist- Le Sueur Family Dental

Ice helps numb the nerves and provides relief from pain quickly. Simply place a bag of ice cubes on to the acing tooth for about 15 to 20 minutes and wait for the pain to go away.

Keep in mind that all these home remedies are temporary and should not be substituted for professional help. Just because the pain subsides for a while doesn’t mean it won’t come back, so make sure you take your child to the dentist as soon as possible. Only your dentist can offer the ideal treatment solution for your child’s toothache, so don’t delay.